Showing posts with label Chandrayaan 2. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Chandrayaan 2. Show all posts

Saturday 7 September 2019

Chandrayaan-2-India Loses Contact With Lander Chandrayaan-2 Mission

Chandrayaan-2-India Loses Contact With Lander VIKRAM

Chandrayaan-2 lander goes silent but orbiter is where the Moon mission is

Isro chief says on proposed soft landing of 'Vikram' module. 47 days after it left Earth, Everything going according to pre-plan.

Our Prime Minister Narendra Modi reached at the ISTRAC ISRO centre at Bengluru for historical chandrayaan 2 landing on moon lunar surface between 1.30am and 2.30am on Saturday.This mission is the best of indian talent and spirit.Chandrayaan-2 lander Vikram will decide on the exact landing place on Moon.

It will also satellite on a completely unexplored region of the moon will also be the first Indian lunar exploration working completely with indigenously developed technology. India is a country ever to make the soft landing if anyone successful on the lunar surface and out of only 38 lunar soft landing at times that have been ever made out of 38 attempt only for successful attempted to night.

 Vikram rewrite history for India. India's Vikram Lander going in foreign landing on the surface a very tricky operation considered the 15 terrifying moments for ISRO and for the 1.3 billion Indians. it's really horrifying moment and that too when we are doing for the first time so when the Vikram Lander soft landing on the Moon when does the flag can we say that India's flags on the lunar surface was be successful . India flag is already on the Moon surface now for the ones after few hours when the rover comes out on the wheel of the rover on one of the wheel we have the ISRO logo and other will we have the Indian and left so when it starts moving on the surface it will leave the important of the Emblem as well as the ISRO logo on the surface of the Moon.


Neil Armstrong 50 years later his boots a very famous on boot principle was on the Moon surface India will also leave a permanent imprint on the lower surface but on the South Pole yes we will have our imprint on the South Pole.Why is it so chosen this purpose near the South Pole of moon anything science scientific instruments National Pride the Vikram Lander with the Pragyan Rover headed towards the South Pole of the moon.

Chandrayaan-2 lander goes silent but orbiter is where the Moon mission is

But India Loses Contact With Lander Chandrayaan-2 Mission

Mission Chandrayaan2 Vikram was as planned and normal performance was observed up to an altitude of 2.1 kilometre subsequently.The communication from Data to ground station was lost data is being analysed. During Moon Landing Attempt.

Wednesday 4 September 2019

Chandrayaan2 Mission - ISRO INDIA

Mission Chandrayaan 2 

Chandrayaan-2 are to demonstrate the ability to soft-land on the lunar surface and operate a robotic rover on the surface.

The Chandrayaan 2 is an Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) INDIAN mission for an orbiter and a soft lander carrying a Rover, launch to the Moon in July 2019 in low cast. The first mission of Chandrayaan 2 is to demonstrate the ability to soft-land on the lunar surface and operate a robotic rover on the surface.
Mission of Scientist team include studies of lunar  mineralogy, elemental abundance, topography,the lunar exosphere, and signatures of hydroxide and water ice.

Chandrayaan 2 carrying Spacecraft and Subsystems

1.The Chandrayaan 2 orbiter is a shaped of box craft with an orbital weight of 2379 kilograme and solar arrays generating 1000 W power.The orbiter will have a payload comprising a visible terrain mapping camera,a infrared spectrometer,a radio occultation experiment,a soft X-ray spectrometer and solar X-ray monitor,a neutral mass spectrometer and  a synthetic aperture radar.The orbiter communicate the India space network and lander.

Chandrayaan-2 are to demonstrate the ability to soft-land on the lunar surface and operate a robotic rover on the surface.

2.The lander called  Vikram, has a weight of 1471 kg including the Rover, and can generate 650 W of solar power.
3.The Rover, called Pragyan (also Pragyaan), have a 6-wheeled vehicle with a weight of 27 kg and that move on 50 W of solar power and can moving up to 500 m at a speed of 1 cm/second. The rover will  alpha-proton X-ray spectrometer, hold cameras,laser induced ablation spectroscopy experimen, and directly communicate with the lander.

How to work Chandrayaan 2

Chandrayaan 2 is about  to land on the moon now but those of you who don't know what Chandrayaan 2 is enough you been hiding under a rock and wells. It is India's second mission to the moon which took off on the 22nd of July 2019 and due to land on the 7th of September,2019.

Why is it taking 48 days to reach the moon after 22nd July  to 7th  September.

Explain me that two three components that are better than the land are called Vikram and other Rover and that called Pragyan and all of this week off on the 22nd of July from ISRO ,Sriharikota .Here in India on the 14th,July but there was the Helium leak so they have to postpone the launch on the 22nd of July. When chandrayaan 2 work fast and efficient around the earth around like a straight line 3.84 lakh km to the moon but we have to go round and round round to get out of the earth Gravity by using very little fuel.Which they have this Orbit raising money was 6 times they have started and tools engines to lift orbit and then on the 20th of August in manage to escape.The Habbit and conclusion closer to the moon now and here is Court 5 Orbit lower in maneuvers which will bring the operator to within 100 KM of the Moon surface from Earth.

Chandrayaan2 are to demonstrate the ability to soft-land on the lunar surface and operate a robotic rover on the surface.

Mission Chandrayaan2 Profile

The Chandrayaan 2 was launched on 22 July 2019 at 9:13 UT (2:43 p.m. Indian Standard Time) from Sciencetist Mr. Satish Dhawan Space Center on Sriharikota.ISRO Geosynchronous Satellite Launch Vehicle (GSLV) Mark III.
The lander orbiter pair went into an initial elliptical (170 x 40400 km altitude) Earth orbit, followed by a trans lunar injection on 14 August.
The pair entered lunar polar orbit on 20th August. The lander and orbiter will separate on September 2nd.The orbiter evolves into a 100 km altitude circular polar orbit and the Vikram.

In India time at 1:55 a.m. On the 7th September the Lander with call Vikram by the way will land on the south pole of the Moon and the moon dust from the land of a six wheeled Rover.With this success, the Vikram lander and Pragyan rover  are now closer than ever to making their highly-anticipated soft-landing on 7 September.From its previous elliptical orbit of 109 x 120 km orbit  the landing module has been lowered to a more suitable 35 x 101 km orbit around the moon. The Chandrayaan 2 orbiter continues to orbit the Moon in a higher, elliptical orbit of 96 x 125 km. ISRO confirmed that both orbiter and lander are healthy.The rover will be deployed using a ramp shortly after landing. The lander and rover portions of the mission are planned for 14-15 days, one period of lunar daylight.